Common Symptoms During Pregnancy

Here are some common symptoms that you can experience during each trimester. 

Whether this is your first pregnancy or last, each pregnancy is unique and symptoms can vary.  Your body is undergoing physical and emotional changes, but knowing what to expect can be reassuring. 

1st trimester (First 13 weeks of pregnancy)  

Nausea and vomiting, commonly known as “morning sickness” can occur anytime during the day or night.  Mood swings are very common, as this is an emotional time for many women.  Catch up on your zzz’s!  Fatigue from hormonal changes is also common, as well as breast tenderness and frequent urination. 

2nd trimester (Weeks 14 -27 of pregnancy) 

Known as the “honeymoon period” because you are feeling the best physically and emotionally.  You may experience increased energy levels as the morning sickness typically resolves.  Constipation is common due to the slower contractions of the intestines.  Hormonal changes are the culprit.  As the baby grows, you may feel round ligament pain.  There are two ligaments - on each side of the uterus - that stretch to accommodate a growing belly.  You can experience sharp, shooting pain in your pelvis.  Around 20 weeks, you can start to feel the baby move, sometimes earlier or later.  This sensation may feel like “gas bubbles” or “popcorn.”  You may experience some leg cramps and back pain as well.

3rd trimester (Weeks 28-40 of pregnancy)  

You’ve made it to the final stretch and unfortunately, the most uncomfortable phase of pregnancy.  You may feel excited and anxious at the same time as you prepare for your upcoming birth.  As the baby grows bigger, you may experience some discomfort.  You may have trouble sleeping at night, walking, or doing routine tasks.  You can experience heartburn as the stomach valve relaxes, allowing acid back up the esophagus.  Braxton Hicks contractions can occur and are typically described as painless contractions.  Hemorrhoids, shortness of breath, and varicose veins may develop. 

At any stage, if you experience any painful contractions, loss of fluid, vaginal bleeding, decreased fetal movements especially in the third trimester or if you have any other questions, please contact your primary OB provider.

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